Letter from the Core Leadership
Learning Forward Alaska (LFA) advances educator professional learning for student success and is in alignment with the vision, mission, and beliefs of Learning Forward (LF). As an organic partnership, it provides Alaska’s professional development leaders the opportunity to collaborate and expand their professional networks by connecting with others across the state who are also committed to effective professional learning.
Learning Forward Alaska was revitalized several years ago to have increasing and strengthened statewide involvement, commitment, presence, and outreach. Alaska’s unique character and needs based on people diversity and geography the organizing core members practices shared leadership based on initiatives and projects. In both perception and reality, it is of continuing importance for LFA to operate as an empowered collaborative and connecting network and not as another separate and/or competing body.
LFA was, therefore, strategically organized as an integrated entity with a consistent core of leaders representing high level and high caliber professional learning leadership of the organizations they serve. These impactful working leaders represent the state education department, the university, service providers, professional organizations, and school districts. These organizations provide time commitment, resources, capabilities, and strengths.
LFA shares the vision of the State of Alaska Department of Education and its Alaska Education Challenge. LFA is committed to providing professional learning support around the three Alaska’s Education Challenge areas: Increasing Student Success, Cultivating Safety and Well-Being, and Supporting Responsible and Reflective Learners.
If you are interested in getting involved with Learning Forward Alaska, please contact Jennifer Harty, Learning Forward Alaska Affiliate Liaison, at 907.786.1881 or [email protected]
Our Vision
Excellent teaching and learning every day.
Our Mission
Learning Forward builds the capacity of its members, clients, partners, and staff to establish and sustain effective professional learning.